Así es la hermosa adicta al sexo que pasó de acostarse con seis hombres por noche a célibe

Así es la hermosa adicta al sexo que pasó de acostarse con seis hombres por noche a célibe
Laurie Jade Woodruff PD

Laurie Jade Woodruff se dio cuenta desde muy temprana edad que el sexo era una parte importante de su vida. Perdió la virginidad a los 12 años de edad y desde entonces se obsesionó con las relaciones sexuales. Sin embargo, la mujer, que admite ser una adicta al sexo que llegó a acostarse con seis hombres en una sola noche, ahora es célibe por una poderosa razón: tiene un hijo de 18 meses.

Woodruff le confesó a The Sun que hasta el año pasado tenía sexo con varios desconocidos cada semana, incluso dice haber perdido la cuenta, pero sus conquistas deben superar los 200 hombres. “Nunca era suficiente. Y fue sólo cuando me di cuenta de cómo eso podría afectar a mi hijo Henry, que busqué ayuda”, relató.


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Are you Proud of your Parents or do you Feel Ashamed of who they are? We all have qualms and issues with the way we we were Brought up, what should or shouldn’t have happened and often blame our Parents for a lot of the issues in our own Lives. If you want success, prosperity and anundance in your life you have to see your parents as Wonderful, or at least find as many positives as you can and let me tell you why. At an Unconscious level we all Associate ourselves with our Parents. If you see them as ‘evil’ or ‘embaressing, ‘weak’ or ‘unsuccessful’ you will see yourselves as having those qualities at a deep, unconscious level and will manifest these qualities in your life and this will Block the flow of success coming to you. As difficult as it is, you have to forgive your Parents for whatever they have done and find ways to see their good and amazing qualities that you have Inherited. See them as magnificent and thank them for the person who you are. Choose to be a Survivor and not a Victim of your Experiences and begin appreciating your Parents , faults and all. Be Proud of who you are and Where you come from ♥ and for those who don’t know and were adopted or dont know your parents or parent, you are luckier than you think. You get to Create and Imagine this person. You are loved and Worthy. The Mistakes your Parents made were because they didn’t know any better and believe it or not they did their best. You are here, you are Alive; they kept you Alive so they Succeeded at something. When you make Peace with your Childhood you can free Yourself. What good qualities did they have? What things did they do that helped you in some Way, maybe leading you towards your Lifes work? Overcoming these feelings are paramount to your success and Abundance. Stop hating your Parents and you will stop hating yourself. Accept them and Appreciate what they Taught you and Move on.♥ Therapy will help and is something that will assist if you are struggling to do this. I Pray that you can Forgive and Live a Truly Wonderful and Magnificent Life. «Honour your Father and Mother, so that you may live long in the Land your Lord is Giving you» EXODUS 20:12

Una publicación compartida de Laurie Jade Woodruff (@lauriejaderotic) el 9 May, 2019 a las 1:01 PDT

Laurie contó que desde pequeña le gustaban los niños y las niñas, un síntoma común de los adictos al sexo, y que su compulsión fue creciendo con los años. Se hizo asidua visitante de los clubes de sexo en Reino Unido luego de salir de fiesta con sus amigos. Conocía a extraños por Instagram con quienes se citaba para tener sexo.

Pero todo cambió cuando conoció a Ian, el padre de su hijo. Con él acordó tener una relación monógama, pero todo el tiempo discutían por el sexo y terminaron separándose. Cuando Laurie se descubrió a sí misma buscando a chicos desconocidos para tener sexo mientras su pequeño hijo estaba frente a ella, se dio cuenta de que tenía un problema y buscó ayuda.


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If You are an Addict, stop judging and hating yourself for it. As an Addict you have learnt a temporary way of coping with the Pain in your Heart. Your addiction will Only Numb it for so Long until the pain resurfaces again. The pain will always resurface until you begin to face your demons and take action and develop habits each day that help you manage this disease and from what I have learnt over the years about Addiction; it is a disease; so never shame or judge an Addict. If you know an Addict ; build them up, believe in them and tell them that they are worthy. Addiction is a vicious illness, it gradually destroys all areas of your life until you surrender and begin to do the difficult work of changing. Be there for one another and stop judging others over their addictions. Addicts do not enjoy their addiction, they may have at first but by the time it becomes an addiction, their lives have already started to fall apart. Please if you are reading this help yourself;the Road is not an easy one but is well Worthwhile. I Pray that you get the help you need and feel strong enough and worthy enough to make it happen. ?Sex Addiction – ?Drug Addiction – ?Alcohol Addiction ?Gambling Addiction- ?Overeating Addiction – Thank you to @thesun For the Feature today. Discussing Sex Addiction & the Book I wrote ‘Diary of a Sex Addict.’ If you’d like to read a true and empowering story about Addiction then order your copy today. The Link is in my Bio xxx Photo by @andyjamesphoto #addiction #recovery #help #na #aa #news #exclusive #london #uk

Una publicación compartida de Laurie Jade Woodruff (@lauriejaderotic) el 4 Sep, 2019 a las 12:31 PDT

Fue entonces cuando se unió a Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA). Se inscribió al programa de 12 pasos y comenzó a asistir a sus reuniones de adictos al sexo. Así tuvo la idea de relatar su historia en un libro que fue publicado recientemente, “El diario de una adicta al sexo”.

Ahora, Laurie se mantiene célibe gracias a su trabajo en SLAA y puede poner mayor atención a su hijo. “Antes de comenzar a lidiar con mi adicción no podía decirle que no al sexo. Sólo ansiaba ese sentido de aprobación. Pero ya no estoy en ese lugar de desesperación. Ahora medito y no siempre estoy en mi teléfono buscando conectarme… Henry es mi foco ahora”, asegura.


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Saying No. It’s something we all struggle to do at times but is your inability to say no costing you your future Goals and happiness? If we all said yes to every invitation to go out, to every request of a favour or every social occassion; that takes a huge amount of time and and energy away from what truly matters. Time is precious; its the one thing we all have equality in and something we can never get back. It’s nice to socialise, go on holidays and help people out but are the people you choose to spend time with helping or hindering you? The company we keep has a huge effect on our lives and should be carefully considered. I often ask myself ; «Does this serve my higher purpose and the most important Goals I have in my Life?» This helps me to decide whether to Say yes or no. Saying no isn’t easy; we are all programmed to want people to like us from the times we lived in Tribes and needed to fit in and be liked in order to survive. If your Goals and dreams are important; saying no is something to become more comfortable with. Saying no gets easier with practice but is an important indicator of high self esteem and being focused what truly matters to you. We need to be social with other humans; it is a deep need but we must be careful to not unevenly tip the scales to where saying yes to things is a form of procrastination or avoidence of ones own destiny here on Earth. Chase your dreams and run with those who share your determination and high standards

Una publicación compartida de Laurie Jade Woodruff (@lauriejaderotic) el 20 Ago, 2019 a las 2:09 PDT


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Your Sexual needs are not Shameful ✖✖✖ #eroticfiction #love #photooftheday

Una publicación compartida de Laurie Jade Woodruff (@lauriejaderotic) el 5 Jun, 2019 a las 3:45 PDT



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