Una hermosa youtuber británica muere al chocar su scooter eléctrico contra un camión

Una hermosa youtuber británica muere al chocar su scooter eléctrico contra un camión
Emily Hartridge PD

La youtuber británica Emily Hartridge murió en un accidente de tránsito en el Reino Unido tras colisionar con un camión mientras utilizaba un scooter eléctrico, lo que generó una ola de de tributos en redes sociales y ha reflotado las dudas en torno a este novedoso sistema de micromovilidad urbana..

La mujer de 35 años se había hecho famosa hace siete años con sus videos de «Ten Reasons Why» (Diez razones por las que…), gracias a los cuales llegó a tener tres millones de visualizaciones mensuales. Tiempo después se convirtió en presentadora de televisión y entrevistadora de celebridades, tales como Hugh Jackman o Eddie Redmayne.


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(AD) ?? ??? ????????? ??‍♀️ – Now as a fitness trainer and self anointed fitness guru, I have a big confession guys…..are you ready? Like really ready? Drum roll please ???????????? I don’t drink enough water! I know! I told you it was BIG ? – I just hate water. I hate the taste of it which is NOTHING and I just find it so boring to drink. I reckon I only drink about 1 litre a day, if that on some days and considering the amount of exercise I do that is NOT GOOD ??‍♀️ – So when @twiningsteauk ‘Change It Up Challenge’ came along it was the perfect time for me to make a change ?? – For the foreseeable future, I will be drinking 2 litres of water every single day and the reason why this will be easier now is that I will be using the twinings Cold In’Fuse bags which are all sugar free and made of all natural flavourings. FINALLY my water will taste of something and I can vouch that all the flavours are absolutely delicious ? – Despite the fact, I am aware my loo trips are going to become more frequent I feel good about making this change because it’s about bloody time ☝? – Anyone else really struggle to drink water? Wanna do the challenge with me too? We can be toilet buddies (sorry mum, I know you hate me saying that word)?? _________________________________________________ #ad #changeitup #water #hydration #fitness #fit #exercise #twinnings #fitnessgirl #motivation #challenge #lean #goals #strong #strength #fitnessmotivation #bikini #body #health #healthandfitness

Una publicación compartida de Emily Hartridge (@emilyhartridge) el 8 Jul, 2019 a las 11:49 PDT

El accidente ocurrió en Battersea, suroeste de Londres, y significó la primera muerte en el Reino Unido ligada al uso del polémico scooter eléctrico, un nuevo sistema de transporte urbano que ha trastocado las reglas tradicionales de tránsito, de acuerdo a The Guardian. Específicamente el accidente tuvo lugar en un rotonda estrenada en 2015 para mejorar el tráfico de bicicletas y ha sido cuestionada por su diseño confuso, indicó el periódico británico.

El uso de los scooters eléctricos, pequeños medios de transporte urbano que han invadido las capitales del mundo como un sistema novedoso de micromovilidad, es ilegal en el Reino Unido ya que se considera no apto para los caminos existentes y el tránsito, al igual que otros artilugios como el Segway.


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DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SHOW YOUR BODY ??‍♀️ – I hate all this sh*t that I’ve been reading about how women who are proud of their bodies and show it off means that they aren’t classy, won’t be respected and just want attention ? _ Listen up ladies, you get one body in this life…..ONE ??And I don’t give it a f*ck if you are curvy, skinny, athletic, lean, muscular, if you are happy with your body and want to show it off then by god SHOW IT OFF WOMAN ?? – A body is just a body. Boobs are just boobs, the quicker we all get over it the better off we will all be ☝? – I have worked bloody hard on my body and I am very proud of it. Just because I am not curvy, that does NOT mean showing off my body means I am arrogant or just want compliments ❌ Bodies come in all shapes and sizes and mine just happens to be naturally lean…..SO SHOOT ME ??‍♀️ – Never be afraid to post something for the fear of what others might say. All that matters is how you feel about yourself ?? – The one thing I will say, is that I do need to seriously start considering sunbathing topless because that tan line is hurting my EYES ? – Pic by @jacob_hazell ?

Una publicación compartida de Emily Hartridge (@emilyhartridge) el 1 Jul, 2019 a las 11:48 PDT

Sin embargo, miles los utilizan de todas formas y las ventas no paran de crecer especialmente en Europa como en Estados Unidos, lo que ha llevado al gobiernoa revisar la legislación existente «Emily estuvo involucrada ayer en un accidente y falleció. Todos la amábamos y nunca será olvidada. Ella ha tocado tantas vidas que es difícil imaginar las cosas sin ella. Era una persona muy especial», indica el texto de despedida publicado el sábado en la cuenta de Instagram de la youtuber.

Numerosos artistas y presentadores británicos se unieron en la despedida en redes sociales a Hartridge, destacando su «generosidad, humor y apertura».


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#??????????????? (AD) – ‘In support of ‘World Meat Free Week’ which starts TODAY, I am urging all my followers to remove meat from their diet for the next 7 days ??❌ – As most of you know, I don’t eat meat or dairy so I am of course a huge supporter of the #lessmeatmoreveg campaign. As we all know, the world we are currently inhabiting is at crisis point and I don’t know about you but that is something I deeply care about ??‍♀️ – The Arctic Ocean is expected to become ice free before mid century. We will experience more droughts and heat waves, hurricanes will become stronger and more intense and the sea level is rising. And if this isn’t bad enough, this is ALL driven by human activity ? – I know you think you are just 1 person but if everyone thought that, what kind of world would we be living in? The fact remains that avoiding meat and dairy is the single BIGGEST way to reduce your environment impact on the planet. It is far bigger than cutting down on flights or buying an electric car as they only cut greenhouse gas emissions ?? – So for this week I am urging you to join me by avoiding ALL meat and dairy for just 7 days. Just give it a go and see how you get on, it’s only 7 days ☝?And please keep me updated ? – My 2 nominations to join me are @jacobhazell and @indijaanderson…….let’s do this guys ?? – Please hashtag #lessmeatmoreveg if you post about this and feel free to copy my pic, but I challenge you to use grapes instead of cabbages ?? – P.S my eye is slowly getting better but the show must go on guys ? __________________________________________

Una publicación compartida de Emily Hartridge (@emilyhartridge) el 16 Jun, 2019 a las 11:30 PDT



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